Chimera : The Lowkey Common Conspiracy We Never See
" The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in
danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized.
This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this
planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative
outcome remaining."
Disclaimer :
- The Majority of The Intel is in the links this post is front page of the Map.
1) Intro Section
When the average person does an average search on leading conspiracy theorists, the 3 sources they will display on common websites ( Wikipedia for example) is Alex Jones, Qanon & David Icke.
With google trends it shows those 3 to be the most searched among the Truther & UFO communities,
most any others added after those 3 aren't very visible especially with
the left bar graph comparison, so in this way it is therefore most
strategic to connect these 3 under a common thread and on a topic that is also strategically wise for liberation :
>>> Spiders Are The Deepest Deep State <<<
- " Chimera is almost completely defeated" - 9/4/23
Overlord Connection
They are not only the Draco, but Archon Overlords as well : Intel over the years :
- "On the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. However, they are not yet completely connected to reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so therefore their understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet (especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel sometimes not completely reliable. One such example would be the plan for mass arrests in April 2020 by the Positive Military."-May 2020
- " In 2003, the Light forces began to prevail in the Solar System and in 2012, all negative secret space programs except those connected directly to the Chimera Group were cleared out. " -
January 3rd , 2016
The Lat remnant of Chimera were in Humanoid bodies
Under Darpa HQ :
There are still certain very powerful members of the Chimera in human clone bodies, belonging to Andromeda subfaction, infiltrated in the system on the surface of the planet, and their structure looks approximately like this:
The reality has always been infiltration & invasion & this is almost exactly how its done (except its permanent-they stay in the body until it dies in the real world)
( notice the MRI type machines - which are based on electromagnetic technology...This is the reality/method used not the so called shape shifting misunderstanding...also to mention- some factions "cheat" by having adult bodies made with their full memory once they transfer , the usual method is some incarnate as negative starseeds the old fashioned way & grow up and also forget , chimera take the cheat route while the lower Archons families are the ones incarnating in certain bloodlines for millennia , in the past if certain key members dies this is how they brought them back, by grabbing them from the etheric plane . Also when you see people that look like biden for example its an adult clone that has a previous non physical agent put into human biden body to act as a double .)
- " The consciousness transfer is a Na'vi ritual where a consciousness of a single being is transferred from one body to another. " -
- (July 2018 ) "Now it can already be revealed that the Chimera are actually insectoid (arachnid) beings incarnated into humanoid bodies, and are even more full of anomaly than dracoids (Draco and Reptilian beings incarnated into humanoid bodies)
The Children Connection ( A-Z evidence list ) :
The Alien Connection ( A-Z evidence list ):
The Full Disclosure Connection :
- "Our Solar System has been under control of Orion/Andromedan Chimera empire and their Draco/Reptilian minions for the last 26,000 years, effectively putting planet Earth under quarantine status, isolating it from positive ET races....As soon as the Chimera threat is gone, the Light forces will intervene on the surface of this planet directly. "-February 9, 2015
- "Tampering with free will is a crime against Galactic law and therefore the Cabal will not be allowed to succeed with their plans for limited Disclosure." -[2/18/16]-
Also See :
"The black fog was a cloud of dark matter the Dark Signers spread throughout Satellite. Anyone who got engulfed by the fog had their body absorbed into it." -

"Space Force wary of taking over UFO mission "-
Chimera(Archon assistance) & Their Implant / Cube System
Oct,2021 - "Here it is good to know that every intel source on the surface of the planet has been implanted and/or mind controlled since 1996 and therefore can not have a complete overview of the situation. More they have worked on themselves and cleared their past programming, more reliable their intel is.
...Intel in many out of planet factions contacting surface people is highly compartmentalized and highly biased. SSP factions usually have a pessimistic bias, being subjected to daily stress of dealing with the Draco empire. Galactic Confederation races usually have an optimistic bias, being always connected with the Source and not fully understanding how cruel life on this planet can be.
Here I only need to add that prime directive does NOT exist and was never part of the Galactic Confederation policy, and is actually an Archon mind program. Galactic Confederation respects the Galactic Codex instead:
With the Galactic Confederation increasing their presence around Earth, the negative military is strengthening their defense of the quarantine Earth with the Space Fence:
Chimera is the source of The Virus :
5 more examples ( Chimera/Spider with Virus component ) :
The " AI God " Connection To The Chimera Group

- " The Chimera is not the "AI-God". The Chimera created the software aspect of AI which is all that AI really actually is in the first place. The missing pieces is The lurker & The Anomaly, all those subjects is the breakdown of the so called "AI-God" situation. " -
Octopus :
- C O B R A - " Those entities from the previous cosmic cycle used a very advanced technology with extreme energies to push their consciousness into the subquantum unspace. Through this process they were extremely traumatized, they lost their individuality and merged into a rabid, amorphous, revengeful subquantum blob named the Lurker " -
- " The Imperium was a civilization of space-faring, shapeshifting, parasitic conquerors who are apparently ruled by a single, bulbous mass." -
The Matrix :
More Spider/Chimera Truth In Plain Sight :
Worldwide Statues/City Designs
"Chimera" in Entertainment Media
Liberation Is Near:
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