The Archons: ET & ED Aspect
The Archon's and Anomaly are core aspects of the matrix:
The Anomaly is the main source of the cosmic quarantine blocking Divine intervention for 26,000 years: quarantine was reinforced through a quantum aspect by accumulating more and more anomaly around the surface of earth: of the Archon programs to prevent people from discovering this was the Prime Directive:
- Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry thanks the devil for his work and apparently put satanic symbols into Star Trek -Its important to note that the creation of Satanism originates from The Archons, Satan was an Archon.-

memory//Lawgiver (Jesuit)
There is no prime directive, real galactic law is addressed in the following link:
Key Cobra Quote:
Many believe they're from Orion however they're actually certain Andromedan Archangels who simply created their dark empire in Orion 8 million years ago when they fell from grace through the creation of the first implant to study the anomaly:
The Greek meaning of Archon is ruler and the role they've been playing on earth is exactly that intention, this terminology is what they refer to themselves as.
Jesus talked about the Archons:
Archons have been given various names but all describes the exact same ET Race:
The simplest way to connect these synonymous terms for the same group is a negative race with the elongated skull theme(among others) this stems from the existence of the Archons : main Dark world was headquartered on Rigel for millions of years before transferring the main base of operations and their Draco/Grey/Reptilian empire(in full) to earth in 1996:
The Purpose of the Secret Space program was to build the infrastructure for the Dark Orion empire for the final and complete invasion of earth in 1996.
Many people in solar Warden and other programs were brainwashed into believing they were protecting the solar system from bad groups when in reality they were employed by the cabal to prevent the confederation from liberating the solar system and then earth:
Archons first arrived on Earth about 1 million years ago:
The Archons rule The Matrix which was created to prevent Contact & Ascension.
26,000 years ago the Archon of the Dark Atlantean Network fully quarantined and controlled earth by installing many dark technologies and entities on multiple non physical layers
The entire human race and planet was taken hostage and their main leverage was whats known as the Toplet bombs:
though those bombs have been cleared in 2023, a powerful dark entity
was transferred back in 1996 known as the lurker and remains the main
block to the liberation of earth at this point with its sub quantum
Further invasion waves within the 26,00 year quarantine period happened with 1996 being the last
" Invasions of the Archons
The Archons are:
-The elongated skull ETS.
-The non physical/inter/extra dimensional entities.
-The human black nobility(Archon Starseeds).
It is the same soul group existing in all 3 formats.You just have to understand basic aspects of reality.
There are the 3 location (ascension is beyond all these 3) any soul group(+/-) can exist:
Physical- In the ET form
Their consciousness is either more emotional based or mental based, positive or negative.
Non Physical aka "Inter or Extra dimensional" or "spiritual planes" are illustrated here:
When they die and leave their physical vessel upward in the planes they travel and would stop/rest at the astral plane(4th Dimension/density) of they are the emotion based ones.
More mental would obviously rest at mental plane(5th dimension/density) is where they would stop/rest when they become non physical between each of their lifetimes. Each physical bodies lasts about 1k years.
Whether or not they are incarnate does not change that their state of consciousnesses is emotional based(astral/ 4D) or mental based (mental/5D).
For example the mental plane is where your mental body is, you still have your mental bodies consciousness even if you have physical body, so if you died then your consciousness and body already on the 5d simply are no longer connected with a 3d body.This is how a 5th density being can be phsyical or no physcial.
Same principles with the astral plane aka 4th Density.-The Space/time continuum is the mental plane and below, when you ascended you are beyond space/time. but can project your conscious into the space.time as a living hologram/light body
-Worlds are created on the mental plane.
-Dark Forces existed on all layers from the mental plane down and some where even in the quantum.Now most are on the etheric plane and fewer on the astral, soon to all be cleared completely which is known as operation Pandora.
The plasma and etheric are intermediary layers before reaching the next dimension from 3rd to 4th.
Goddess Vortex / Entity & Implant Removal :
Black Nobility and Jesuits(Archon Starseeds) that originated as the red haired giants long ago and got smaller over time with more human breeding:
Incarnation into the planets native species(humanity), like in Avatar the movie-expect naturally however in some cases the cabal cheats by using clones to place the etheric being back into a vehicle(human body) using advanced technology they hide away to come back to life with cloned adult copies of their vehicle in case they are killed:
- "Through his master's teachings, however, Sidious transferred his essence to an imperfect clone vessel that had been modeled on his original body."
Through genetic manipulation and cloning the Archon's have taken different physical forms aside form the humanoid giants:
The Humanoid elongated Skull-The physical off world ET version.
(The mechanical example is symbolic for transhumanist focus Archons have/hive.)
In some cases a spider (bloodsuckers)
Archon Reptilian (Andromedan/Orion) Hybrid. The Jesuits.
- What the Archons do is create a hybrid species of themselves mixed with their subordinate species in their empire so they have an intermediary network they can trust as the rulers of those races, so they themselves don't have to do all the work while also having an energetic connection to them.
Cobra/Dr Salla interview from October 2017
- So called Pre-Adamites are the same as the Archons.
- Many people have been speaking about the same group, its nothing new.
- Italian black nobility are the incarnations of the Archon who's physical bloodline is the modern day lineage of those negative red haired giant races of the Archons creation and they have proof of this lineage since times of Egypt
- Its the same group that's been controlling humanity since the times of Atlantis
- After many generations their size shrunk and the presence of their elongated skulls too and that's why today the families look very human
By having clear details on the who that is responsible for everything (aside form the Lurker) and not freaking out then we create a coherent field on the mental plane which allows the first step for easier intervention of the light forces giving them greater ability to clear this problem sooner.
Because the problem(Archons) is literally energetically leaching and attached to us, then it would be much easier if the person/collective with the parasite knew of the parasites existence then likelihood for achieving the solution would occur faster than if the victim had no idea a problem existed.
In fact every victory in the awakening process leads back to Archons in this dream:
The Archons ultimate defeat is already near by adding more awareness through this post it only accelerates the situation into our common final Goal-the liberation.
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