The Black Nobility Archon Families


First, the Positive Templars aka "White Hats" are those who've batted The Archons for almost a millennia and the Dragon Families for many centuries.This is why The Cabal has inverted the core plot of one of the largest media franchises ever:

They are that group that have descended from those large skull redheaded giants from the late Atlatean period through the fall of Atlantis into modern society over thousands of years:

(giant link coming)

Those giants were a hybrid of the human race and the Archons themselves created to be the managers of humanity, over time they shrank in height and skull size and most didnt have the red hair always either due to only having the human race species to use to continue their bloodlines after the flood where they lost their cloning tech for new bodies therefore having been stuck with humans made their DNA less of the original archon source.
The main key to understand is the Archons who created that particular Giant race:
are the same soul group incarnating as Archon starseeds among present day black nobility.
Top Archons need to have their own personal network directly responsible for control of humanity with Jesuits doing most their work.

Jesuits are Archon/Reptilian Hybrids:
  • What the Archons do is create a hybrid species of themselves mixed with their subordinate species in their empire so they have an intermediary network they can trust as the rulers of those races, so they themselves don't have to do all the work while also having an energetic connection to them through DNA.
Satanism comes from The Archons.
Satan/Set was an Archon(Not Draco or Reptilian):


Jesuits are akin to the "Court of Owls":
  • September 2023 - " Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 year ago to run the management and control of the surface population. Since the Chimera is now gone, the are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him.


 Orsini and Torlonia are key families controlling the world with children and money:
One of the Archons main mind programs is the so called "Law of Non Interference" - this truth was hidden in plain sight here including Jesuits,Green Door & Cube:

In the They Live Film the Eiltes are depicted as aliens using the GDP of countries to fund secret space programs:



Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents are about 2000 people strong:

Archons are at the core of everything wrong with Society:




Here is the numbers of the Cabal Structure :
The true pinnacle of the Dark Force hierarchy was beyond The Archons which were The Chimera(also the The Lurker) who were defeated in 2023:


Liberation Is Near : 


 " The Dark forces have arrived to this planet 900,000 years ago and almost caused the extinction of humanity:

 As hinted in the very popular media franchise :

Now they are nearing their final defeat...Big awakening is coming "

