Biochip Truth in Plain Sight




 September 15th 2023

  • "With the removal of the last pit and its mainframe computer, the biochips can not send audio and video signals anywhere anymore, and the main control network has collapsed. Biochips are now only dark electromagnetic portals with their power diminishing fast, and they will be removed very soon...Big awakening is coming, "

 > 1 Year prior

September 15, 2022

  • " The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and upon its completion, a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected."





Disclaimers :

  • To fully understand the final matrix related implant situation (biochips) one would need to go beyond just this core post & study the related links given through out this post( especially if you want to see more truth in plain sight Disclosure ), here are those main noteworthy links in one spot  :

Introduction :

  ( Soundtrack)

 " Physical biochips of the surface population are subquantum/quantum portals through which the Lurker emerges into the quantum fluctuations."


The Basics :

Locations in our body on the physical plane :


 The Main Manufactures :

  • Developed already in WW1 & their  development was complete in WW2 in Nazi Germany in concentration camps.  German industrial giants Siemens was developing those & producing those & putting them into the vaccines, & at the end of WW2, a very advanced vaccination campaign started globally. I would say that these vaccination  campaigns are still ongoing since then, it did not stop, it started then without a  break. What happened is that those biochips have been upgraded constantly & there were newer versions which were released in 1983 & a very strong one in 1996 & there was a very fast development of those biochips in 1996 & 1999 because there was the archon invasions and  many dracos and reptilians and other races came to this  time and the underground bases and gave their technology and their version of the  biochips. The resistance movement has been able to remove most of this but  unfortunately not all of this. 

The Main Distributors :


 The Main means of delivery :

- Mandatory vaccines since the time after WW2( the main purpose WHO made it is so was the Biochip delivery).

- Soft Drinks (when they realized a small % wouldn't get vaccinated even back then, they developed other means & not limited to the soft drink method).


 The Time Periods of Upgrades :

  • 1983,1996,2008


The size ( approx. 50 micrometers)  :

> Examples close to reality 




Basics on Biochip Technology itself  :

Also see :

 A overview picture of main roles of both implant locations :

You can review more insider data on biochips here :

How the biochips interfere with Social Dynamics ( Sexual Energy,Soul families,Sacred Union)

Where the spying  live-feed is being sent

The Biochips & deeper matrix network it was always apart of is the actual veil of forgetfulness & was never a so called cosmic 3rd density law :

Many people in the truther community in the past where being guided towards inclinations of this reality although they did not quite figure out the full spectrum of the reality of implants that they had been guided towards looking into, they nonetheless provided some interesting details & components :

 1991 William Cooper - Pale Horse

 1998 David Icke-The Biggest Secret

2008 - How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave



> Another doomed attempt to trick people into Transhumanism currently attempting to arise

Tim Ballard & O.U.R. is not what they seem : 


People keep falling for the fact that just because the media is against someone that means they are good , everyone knows the cabal own the media so a fake opposition is the easiest thing for them to create they know child truth is coming out and they arrived just in time, name another group like "O.U.R." trying to do this... Keep that in mind as well as the fact he is a Mormon which is centered in Utah which is the worst sexual abuse state for kids and Mormon church has many child abuse problems, Mormons are like bees they collect "honey" they also collect intel that's why the NSA built there biggest facility their in Mormon HQ's &  is secretly stealing all the water from the great lake.Mormons are heavily involved in Technology,DNA( is based in Utah),politics,blackmail and intelligence agencies- The are Major AI prophets.

 . Tim worked with Russell Brunson  and used his clickfunnels software aimed ( started in 2014 same year NSA arrived)at replacing websites with funnels he was born raised in Provo the location of former Endurance International Group(EIG- Now called "New Fold Digital") the owner of almost all hosting companies, conveniently right near the NSA. Brunson name leads to Saxony which has the same state colors as a bee. The Mormon church has a University called BYU and the CEO Elon picked for Neuralink is from BYU . Tim Ballard is from BYU.He is likely also in The Fraternity of Eagles - Mormons are connected with boy scouts another massive child abuse organization who honor top member's as an EAGLE scout. The Eagle symbolizes Rome that's why assassins creed game series always used an eagle and built their base games around Rome.We are in the early phase of the agenda the cabal still need to finish their charade phase where they portray the media (using the system/media they control) to be against Tim, in time later on the microchip agenda was their goal, it wont work.
  • ["Can we use AI to answer questions about faith?"]-"I’m neither an AI skeptic nor an AI alarmist. I don’t salivate over the latest tech buzz,  but I also don’t consider myself a luddite. So I represent many of the common folk who have been scratching their heads over all the recent excitement and hand-wringing over artificial intelligence, or AI.  " -

DuckDuckGo Version, 2nd Proof :

(Deeper Disclosure)

 Masonic Timmy :

Freemasonry was infiltrated by The Jesuits in the early 1800's


Tim's hiding the fact that they are being investigated :

 They conveniently had that 2.5 year investigation on them(Tim/O.U.R.) dropped just 2 months before the movie released :
In conclusion the people behind Elon Musk, The Mormons, Freemasons and every other single cabal faction leads back to the same group, The Chimera & Archons. The real biochips we all already have is different from these additional layers their are trying to establish/add-on through these stooges, this will not succeed.


Before moving on we can clean up a lot of misunderstanding in the alternative media about Implants over the years :


1) The real implant networks at the core system related to the main Matrix mainframe were never removable by a human on the surface of the planet within the matrix by any method they ever used.

2) The implants are not visible to the human eye , they are very small & always internally located.

3) All non physical implants have been dealt with as of 2023.

4) The final & physical remaining implant network was never anything to do with so called RFID chips humanity was already implanted by far more advanced biochips/implant technology since after WW2.

5) Visions & Impressions via energetic interactions from ET transmission through our higher self is how they are communicating to us all for millennia & they will never need a technology for this.

These are the capabilities in the Frontal Lobe Biochips


  • "It also disconnects the neuron connections in the brain. So it's like a blockage where people cannot make certain connections between certain parts of the brain.This is why people say they know this & that but do not know it all in a way where they can actually connect the dots & discern themselves or the planetary situation."

DARPA Wants Brain Implants That Record From 1 Million Neurons

DARPA Invests $18.3 Million In Brain Implant Startup That's Building 'A Modem For The Mind'

 DARPA’s New Neural Implant Has a Sneaky Way of Getting Inside Heads




  • ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine ( The Archon/Chimera All Seeing Eye)
DARPA Wants Brain Interfaces for Able-Bodied Warfighters - IEEE Spectrum


 Straight From DARPA :


From Popular Mechanics :

 Wireless Power Transfer Will Energize Our Implants

Wireless Implants Could Let You Control Prosthetics With Your Mind

New Remote-Control Wireless Implants Dissolve in Your Body Once Finished

& an article on this ultrasound technology in use in various ways already in society :

  • "high-frequency sound waves to view inside the body. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, they can also show movement of the body's internal" -

Truth In Plain Sight :

  • 1)

( later in the game-clip above ^ ...connected to this clip below : )

  • 2)

  • 3)

  • 4)

" Biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness



 (.75 speed) -  #Sleepy

Bonus :

  •  " The main purpose of NSA is to monitor ALL electronic communications on the planet without exceptions and intercept, analyze and evaluate all messages that would indicate a contact with benevolent ET intelligence or with the Resistance as any trace of that contact would pose a perceived threat to the Jesuit empire. " - (SOURCE)
  • " physical Black Box which is in possession of one of the main Italian black nobility families and is connected with the physical mainframe computer of the Cabal (»the Beast«) and then linked to mainframe computers inside NSA.  " -(SOURCE)


& brain fog 

& confusion


This Ultrasound Frontal Lobe Biochip Network in humanity is how The Cabal Blocks Intervention / Contact :

" Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.

Truth In Plain Sight :

  • 1)

  • 2)

  • 3) 

  • 4)

  • 5)
" Biochips were a type of Borg technology implanted in the brain. " -


The Cube confuses our understanding of contact to prolong it :


We are not being contacted because earth has been in a hostage situation all this time:

The SSP's were created to block the Confederation from liberating earth & the Space force is the same purpose they are wardens of prison planet earth :

"...For now, the focus in the next few months will be on the clearing of the subquantum anomaly and the biochips."(Source)


  •   "trigger subquantum anomaly to produce anomalous effects in our universe. Throughout the universe, this can only produce a very thin quantum fog, whereas close to the surface of this planet it triggers serious quantum anomaly which significantly hinders the progress of the Confederation fleet < " (Source)







The Biochips Block Access To Deep Intel this is why so many had no idea about any of this :


 (2015)-" everybody on Earth has implants that block access to that intel, all intel about the Chimera is in the deepest shadow of collective unconsciousness, much deeper than SRA , MK Ultra, MILABs or SSP. "

Shall We Play A Game

#WinterSoldier :




Flash Superman Race (left)(satellite-track)

A key aspect of that mind control are the satellites and their broadcasting system interconnected with the biochips

Some related data points connected :


> Why that clip is relevant :

They Live

" basement of Cable 54, the source of the signal " -
& Transformers 2 


 "BUG" around brain (Harry Potter 2 ):


 "Chamber of Secrets" -


Introduces SPIDER -


Introduce human transformation into another person -


Introduce Memory Erasing ( Trying to erase children memories once in the chamber of secrets ! ) -



 Speaking of Magic :


Chimera intel :

  • ( June 2023 ) " The Light forces have made a breakthrough on the etheric plane. They were able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit. Thus now the only location under dark control is the physical plane on the surface of this planet." 


They transport their etheric bodies through strong electromagnetic technology to place themselves ( or another) into a pre made adult body to operate in the physical plane. 

Megan actually was describing this once here :

The reality has always been infiltration & invasion & this is almost exactly how its done (except its permanent-they stay in the body until it dies in the real world ) :

( notice the MRI type machines - which are based on electromagnetic technology...This is the reality/method used not the so called shape shifting misunderstanding...also to mention- some factions do not "cheat" by having adult bodies made with their full memory,they incarnate as negative starseeds the old fashioned way & grow up , chimera take the cheat route while the lower Archons families are the ones incarnating in certain bloodlines for millennia  )

  • (July 2018 ) "Now it can already be revealed that the Chimera are actually insectoid (arachnid) beings incarnated into humanoid bodies, and are even more full of anomaly than dracoids (Draco and Reptilian beings incarnated into humanoid bodies)

The Naval Biochips


Infrasound :

Ultrasound is a grander element of the matrix/veil(fence/net) across the whole planet ( not just a naval biochip limited technology being utilized ), powered from Darpa HQ :


" Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low frequency sound, describes sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of human audibility" -

> The intensity of the etheric infrasound and ultrasound is set to remain just below the hearing threshold of an average human being to avoid people becoming curious about it and realizing that something strange is going on. You can see that perceived human hearing graph looks quite similar to the graphs above :

Some people are still able to hear that infrasound and some even the ultrasound frequencies and many researchers call this the Taos hum.

  • infrasound scalar waves generates electric current which short-circuits the kundalini.electric pulses sent into the solar plexus chakra to shortcircuit the kundalini energy, shutting it down.
  •  navel biochip constantly suppresses the vibrational frequency through infrasound.
  • infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit infrasound. By infrasound scalar waves they keep human consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who have good hearing can hear that sound.  Some of the people can actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration, certain suppressive vibrations.  It is something that has been actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.
  •    It is not so difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus on in their lives. The frequency spectrum has been measured and usually it’s just below the threshold of human hearing but some people can hear it. 
  • lower the frequency of auric membrane
  •   Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is maintained with infrasound technology.
  •  Infrasound blocks certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience without any apparent reason.
  •   Inducing disharmony in relationships. This program results in artificial split between love and sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and disbalance between female and male principles.

Social Dynamics(Naval)

You've Got A Higher Power
(Source/Ascension Process Post) "the fourth (Arhat) initiation means dissolution of the vertical implant, vertical primary implant being a rotating plasma black hole which separates personality identification from the I AM presence. When this implant is dissolved, the electric fire of the I AM presence absorbs all living matter of the causal, mental, astral, etheric, plasma and physical bodies into itself, and can from then on project itself into the time / space continuum as a double torus living hologram of the rainbow resurrection body (Light body):"

Liberation is Near
