Contract Cancelled


 Parzival_(Ready_Player_One) // Wade_Watts

Future Trunks_Saga


Null & Void:






"The Phantom Virus was an anthropomorphic computer virus created by Bill McLemore "

"Subsequent microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads.[84][85] ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the deity Set "


"ruler of the underworld...earlier name was Hades"-wikipedia/Pluto:


Irish people would be the second-largest reported ethnic group in Jamaica

"Professing to be of Irish ancestry "-Aleister_Crowley

Cullens are Irish-ancestry/origin?surname=cullen








(Use soundtrack for next 2 videos)


"awaken that real you!"






"seemingly mystical ability of a Duelist to draw the right card(s) at the right time needed for the situation, especially when Dueling for a righteous cause with high stakes...for instance when they have no hand, or when their opponent has a massive advantage and the outcome of the game rests on the next card drawn... a reference to the belief and faith a Duelist has in their Deck, as well as trusting in the construction of one's Deck and affirming that every card in a Deck is potentially of use...On the surface the concept seems similar to "luck" or "destiny", but it differs in crucial ways from these concepts. For example, Yami Yugi is able to defeat the supernaturally lucky Ryuichi Fuwa in a Shadow Game by turning his own luck against him, demonstrating that trusting in luck or even possessing it in abundance is not the same as being mindful and having respect for the game one is playing... able to change destiny in his game against Ishizu Ishtar by choosing to trust his last-minute vision and act against his instincts in favor of his heart, winning the Duel in the process. Knowing when to embrace the unknown, strategizing around one's ability to pull and play the right card, and when to trust the cards one is dealt, may mean the difference between victory and defeat. When a Duelist has a close bond with his or her Deck to the point of knowing it by heart, this may be called the "Heart of the Cards" both in practice and in parlance."

Liberation Is Near!


  1. Hello.
    Is Hades/Pluto A version of the Lucifer / Osiris myth guardians of the realm of the dead / "hell".
    Bright day.


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