Red Beryl




Return To Halloweentown

Now You See It


Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone

The Wizard of Oz

 & from the original :

 Reality Infinity Stone

  • "The red Reality Stone had the power to alter and warp the fabric of reality.[2]"
  •  "augmenting its properties so that it could convert matter into dark matter and absorb life force from host bodies"

Raven-Teen Titan

" She also has a red gemstone outlined in black located in the center of her forehead (or her "Ajna chakra", as Blackfire puts it) " -

  • " Azarath is the parallel world and birthplace of Raven. Her mother, Arella, was brought here from Gotham City (under her birth-name, Angela Roth) to hide from Trigon's evil and to shield her only daughter as best she could. It was a peaceful dimension where its residents were taught pacifism, led by their leader Azar, who led the order that originally sealed Trigon into his prison." -

" Red Raven is on the loose! It's up to the Titans to stop Raven's dark side from ruining the day![1]" -




-Stone of Barenziah 


 > Key Note: Many Gold Red Ruby Necklaces can be found in the cave of vampires on this mission:





The Little Vampire

" The Stone Of Attamon is a powerful fragment of the Comet Of Lost Souls (Attamon) which fell to Earth and was converted into a stone of power by a Great Magician. It is a red ruby-like stone which fits into the Hellbound Amulet or the Amulet Of Lost Souls. Every 300 years, it fits into one of the 2 amulets and can connect with the Comet Attamon via a beam of red light. " -

Jimmy Neutron Movie

  • " they make it to the arena where the parents will be sacrificed to Poultra. When they reach it, an unusual ceremony is finishing (with mind-control devices, the parents do the chicken dance!), and Poultra, a gigantic three-eyed chicken with reptilian legs, hatches from her egg. Jimmy quickly comes up with a plan: Sheen heads to an airfield to obtain a transport, he gets the mind controller... During the battle, Jimmy skims the surface of the sun, and flares destroy all but Goobot's ship. The king sends a message to Jimmy, who flies out with Goddard. He uses his shrink ray to make himself the size of a planet and blows the ship into an oncoming asteroid " -

( Pre-Video )

- Main Clip

Blood Stone

Power Rangers-Wild Force 

  • ".. a red crystal orb. The leader hopes that they will lead Cole to his destiny.. Cole speaks to Red Lion, who tells Cole he's been searching for him. Cole's red crystal starts glowing, and taking it out, he sees an image of Red Lion appear inside. Cole then enters a temple, finding the mysterious woman waiting for him inside. She introduces herself as Princess Shayla, telling him he is on the Animarium and that he is destined to be the leader of the Wild Force Power Rangers. The other four Rangers step forward and introduce themselves formally, grudgingly in Taylor's case. Cole believes a mistake has been made, but the others assure him it's no mistake and that they were all chosen in the same way. Cole tells the others that he came to find his destiny, showing them his red crystal."

5 more cat examples  :



"  message through a red crystal device to send to the people " 

3) " The Red Stone of Faith is a treasure item that appears in Resident Evil 4. It is a small red gem that an be fitted into the Golden Lynx " -


5) Jackie Chan Adventures tv Show

 Power Rangers - Rita Repulsa


> Another hint , sword related element here :

Old Kai is a Potara fusion between the Old Witch and the Supreme Kai...Anime Debut"Out from the Broken Sword"...Beerus(Cat) sealed Old Kai away inside the Z Sword " - /// (See Video)- " The Z Sword "  --- Dragon Ball Z 

 & another example here :

 " Muramasa was an immortal madman..The first blade was many centuries old and possessed a variety of mystical properties in and of itself as well as those it granted to its wielders...The second Muramasa Blade was the one wielded by Wolverine after he recovered his memories.[2] Having been dragged straight to Hell by acolytes of the Beast...fashioned from his own timeless soul under coercion while trapped in their service. " -

 Lothor-Power Rangers :

 an evil dinosaur who first appeared in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! as the game’s main antagonist. He is one of Spyro's greatest opponents and his persistent enemy, appearing in several games in the Spyro the Dragon series.  ...short, orange dinosaur with green eyes.... a red and gold amulet and sceptor...Ripto’s redesign is largely the same as his original design, except he has a much more reptilian appearance...a despicable madman who enjoys power simply for the sake of it. He delights in causing all sorts of trouble and havoc with his magic...Ripto's notable ability is to conjure various magic spells at his disposal using his scepter.


 > Additionally ( A-Z)  :

 ( OPTION-Loop Soundrtrack while reading A-Z. )



 Nicki Minaj / Alter Ego


Queen La

" ruler and high priestess of Opar, a lost city... using forbidden magic to immortalize her spirit...turning leopards into humanoid slaves under her control and capturing men from outside the kingdom to serve...Queen La reigns over Opar with tyranny and fear, controlling the Leopard Men by threatening them with the powers of her magic staff...she is determined to win Tarzan's love, though his love for Jane serves to thwart those plans...La is generally shown to be cruel, power-hungry, manipulative and tyrannical. She is very self-absorbed, lacking any sort of empathy for others, and is used to having people bow down to her and give her whatever she wants. She quickly becomes angry if she is denied what she desires. She is not above using murder or other cruel methods to achieve her goals and can be very irrational, including being very abusive towards her minions as well...very stubborn and also somewhat delusional, continuing to pursue Tarzan despite the fact he is clearly in love and is loyal with Jane. La's desire for a 'perfect' mate also displays a certain level of shallowness about her...Attaching her long menacing hooded cape to her bikini top is a single red ruby in a gold frame... cyan eyes with slit pupils like a cat... La is seen wearing the crown of Opar, which is a golden head piece with a small golden leopard skull with ruby eyes...In her spirit form, La is a bright red astral projection with no visible legs or feet. She still wears the crown of Opar on her head with the rest of her clothes and jewelry. Whenever she possesses a new body, red flame shaped smoke surrounds her victim....Most of the time La is seen carrying around a long, golden staff (similar to Jafar's snake staff) that helps harness all her dark, magical powers. It has a handle resembling the shape of a leopard's head and in its mouth is a large red gem.With this staff, La can summon rain, project energy to vaporize her Leopard Men or force them into submission, alter her clothing, teleport herself, create fire, generate smoke to put others to sleep, turn humans into animals, bring inanimate objects to life, make metal objects (like chains) appear, destroy floors, command her carnivorous octopus into attacking her enemies, restore the ruined city of Opar on her whim, and block off entryways to trap her foes... the staff has the power to allow anyone who uses it to stay forever young....she leaves its body and possesses Jane....After her physical body crumbles into ash, La's spirit can move and possess the bodies of other creatures by making physical contact with her target, putting them under her total control, overriding their will as long she wants to remain in their body...she commands her people to sacrifice the Professor. Before he can be sliced in half by a sun-powered laser, Tarzan and Jane show up to free him... When Jane smashes the staff into pieces to reverse all of Queen La's spells, La's physical age catches up to her, turning her into nothing more than a pile of dust which is immediately blown away by the wind." -

 (BONUS - highlighted quote above  ^  )


Aladdin - Sultan

 Bear is a symbolic reference to the Orsini Black Nobility



"He has fire-like hair[1] styled up and a big red jewel on his forehead."









 God War :

(Giants Ring )




 "Slows the flow of time in the immediate area" -


  " the jewel regenerated the Red Duke "



 "Dusk's steed. Sunset allows the Red Sun to share his gifts with all of Baba Yaga's children in his vicinity, even though they wear no prism and aren't his Chosen. Dusk becomes able to grant each of them a life force-related power at a time and change it according to the circumstances. He possesses all the powers belonging to the Guardians' bloodlines and he is a master at using them.[18] Sunset resembles a crimson crystal creature, wearing a coat of Davross mail. Sunset isn't a sentient relic, just a tool meant to enhance Dusk's powers. A long as it doesn't receive orders from him, it is a sitting duck capable only of using pre-set strategies to defend against enemies.[19]" -






Goddess Wants Peace & Peace It Shall Be !

 > " Have Mercy, I Was Blind But Now I See "


