Cobra Mass Meditation

 We Love Mass Meditation is the blog for organizing mass meditations leading to the Victory of the Light! -See All Active Meditations Decreed Directly from The Galactic Confederation  :


A few key Meditations Quotes from Cobra,along with this useful link on the subject :

  • " I would agree that mass meditation is the one single most influential factor that the surface population can contribute to the breakthrough. "
  • " It doesn’t matter if it’s my meditation or somebody else’s meditation.  What matters is focus on a common goal at a certain moment in space and time.  This is what brings results. " -
February 26, 2014 We Have The Power 
 " Despite appearances, we have the power. Free will is the ultimate law in this universe and  when a critical mass of people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long enough, that liberation inevitably comes. This is the highest natural law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and release the surface of this planet to humanity. 

When a critical mass (144k) of human beings gathers with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary situation...

The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun! Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future "
Cobra holds the Guinness World Record many times over for largest mass meditations, this has yet to be updated in their records since Deepak Chopra's previous record from 2014 with 30k people :

If you wish you can review all things mass meditation related from cobra here is an archive for each year since he went public in 2012 :
These are the SuccessReports which contain intel related to the accomplishments / purpose and amount of participants form some the of the key activation's Cobra had on behalf of the Light Forces(Resistance,Confederation,Angels,Ascended Beings) & Source behind them

> A copy of that post (link above) re-posted below here :

All Posts 

Interview Quotes


2012 Meditation Reports :

  "Immediately after our global visualization, Japan shut down its last nuclear reactor:

" enough people were synchronizing their consciousness stream to allow the Light forces to put a computer virus into the A.I. Matrix program on the etheric & astral planes. 

This means that fuzzy logic program of the Matrix is now being busy within a closed loop, unable to repair itself and fill the cracks of clear space/time structure in the distorted etheric/astral Matrix electromagnetic field. Those cracks were created with our conscious effort on May 20th. They will never be closed again and Light will always shine through.

The Matrix will now slowly start disintegrating. There will be less and less dark entities on the etheric and astral planes and Light will shine through more and more. 

The positive etheric leyline grid around the planet has been reactivated at the Reboot. This has prevented some quite strong earthquakes that would happen otherwise. It has also allowed an acceleration of the transformation process for this planet to reach a higher vibrational frequency.

The exact moment of the Reboot has initialized a timeline of events that will ultimately lead towards Disclosure and First Contact. "
  " The critical mass was reached and Goddess has returned to planet Earth after 5000 years of exile. This means that Kali Yuga is officially over. It means that the feminine aspect of the Source has been irrevocably anchored in every physical, etheric, astral and mental particle of this planet and will stay here forever. You can now connect with the Goddess energy anytime you wish. Isis got her crown back:

Goddess wants peace. After 5000 years of insane wars, produced by disbalance of feminine and masculine aspects, real peace is finally possible. Goddess wants peace and she will get it. Immediately after the Venus transit, the Cabal made an offer to surrender. Such is the power of our collective consciousness and mass meditations."
Although the critical mass of 144,000 people for the Day of Decision has not been reached, we were not far from that and our collective decision has created a powerful stream of positive free will that will never be extinguished, it will grow until the point when it will overflow the planet and the Event will  happen.
Right after our mass activation, a massive solar flare has erupted from the Sun:
 " Nothing could stop us. Not one month of constant energetic attacks on me and other key people in our group,  not two false flag attempts by the Cabal to close down the Giza complex,  one with a terrorist bomb and one with a man with knives, trying to sneak into the Giza plateau,  not all spies and agents of the Muslim Brotherhood which have received instructions from the government to immediately stop any group attempting to meditate.   We opened the Portal in the face of all darkness and this is the true Victory of the Light.  Our small group of 50 to 60 people inside the Kephren pyramid was the only positive group that was doing any activation's inside pyramids on that day.  Details of how we managed to do that will one day make a great novel that will surpass the Da Vinci Code, except that it is a real story.
Here is a photo of orbs at our activation at the Sphynx:

This is what the activation of the Portal has managed to achieve on the planetary scale:

1. All negative future timelines have been absolutely and completely erased. There is now exactly zero possibility for any of the global destructive plans of the Cabal to come to fruition. There will be no World War  3, no New World Order, no mass depopulation, no FEMA camps.

2. The positive forces have managed to restrict Cabal's access to biochemical weapons to the extent that they no loner pose a threat to the mass of humanity.

3. A virus has been planted into the Black Box: this will result in data translation errors from the etheric Archon's spy network into the mainframe physical computers of the Cabal and that will in turn create many cracks in the Matrix.

4. Three of the key physical Archons have been removed.
5. Energy of divine Peace, Love and Eternal Now has emerged from the Portal, touching hearts of many. We are finally beginning to exit the black hole, seeing a tiny spark of true Light of the Event Horizon. This arrival at the inner boundary of the Event Horizon is the actual beginning of the planetary Ascension process. Now that many illusory thoughtforms and expectations of many Lightworkers around December 21st have collapsed I will finally be given clearance from the Pleiadians to release the true Ascension plan to humanity. 
This is what the activation of the Portal has failed to achieve :

Etheric Archon network has survived the opening of the Portal almost intact. This is the biggest problem for the planetary Light forces. More awareness is needed among the general population about this so I will post another article about the etheric  Archon grid, detailing exactly what part of it has remained so that we can help with our consciousness to dissolve it. The Event can not happen until we reach a substantial progress in this area. This is now the only main obstacle preventing the Event. As above so below: etheric conditions manifest on the physical and if we want to create a physical planetary change we must first change the non-physical conditions. 

And this is what we will do. Victory of the Light is near! "

 2013 Reports :
" We have opened the Portal! For the first time in human history, the energy of divine grace has entered the surface of the planet directly from the Galactic Central Sun. 

This has drastic and long lasting consequences on the etheric and astral grid around our planet. All etheric and astral matrix, all Archons and reptilians and their technologies have been squeezed into a very thin layer which extends around 100 feet ( 30 meters ) upwards and downwards from the surface profile of the planet. All areas further up and further down from the surface profile have been completely cleared and liberated. This is a huge victory of the Light and one of the main necessary steps needed before the final victory and the Event.

You might being to feel that there are less attacks and less influence from the negative non-physical entities.

The activation of the ALMA vortex has insured that humanity will finally begin to connect with its Soul. "


 " Our collective consciousness at the moment of the activation has managed to strengthen the network of Light on the etheric plan.. 
The negative archon vortex on the etheric plane above Syria has disintegrated as a result of our mass meditation. This means that the Cabal does not have any massive energy support for creating a war in Syria anymore..The etheric archons do not have any large scale geopolitical power of influence anymore after they lost the Egypt vortex last week and Syria vortex on Sunday. Now they are directing all their power to influence key people on the planet, such as members of the Cabal, people with financial and political power, people with media influence and also key light warriors and light workers."
It is not a coincidence that historic Iran nuclear agreement was reached within hours after opening of the Aion portal:
This demonstrates the power of our unified consciousness, which does have the potential of influencing the geopolitical situation. 
The energies of Aion and Iona are energies of eternal peace and global peace will soon become the geopolitical reality on this planet as a result of our unified decision.

We have activated the Firenze energy vortex and served as the main energy conduit on the surface of the planet for the energy flash which traveled from the M87 galaxy, through our Galactic Central Sun via our physical Sun and reached the planetary surface at the moment of the activation of the Aion portal.

   It might be interesting for you to know that the Event flash will originate from a certain currently classified cosmic source, travel first through M87 galaxy and then through the Galactic Central Sun of our galaxy into our solar system, where it will trigger the Event on the surface of our planet.
" Although the critical mass on the surface of the planet has not been reached, we have still managed to anchor a lot of energy of innocence into the planetary energy grid. This will help dissolving the Matrix in the near future.
Our core group in Glastonbury was extremely successful, fully anchoring the energy into the Glastonbury vortex and transmitting it into the etheric planetary energy grid through the leylines. Instead of heavy stormy weather which was forecast, we created this:

Just before the activation we have been guided to visit a subterranean energy vortex in Glastonbury and it was a very special experience. That spot is one of entrances into subterranean tunnels and while we gathered around the sacred pool, we were being discreetly watched and blessed by the Resistance.. The Light forces are doing everything to prepare the surface conditions for the Event so that it can happen as soon as possible.  "
 2014 Reports :


" At the activation, there has been drastic reorganization and refocusing of the energy currents throughout the Galaxy so that they are now focused on the tiny sector around our planet with the purpose of the planetary liberation. As the moment of our liberation approaches and the ultimate victory of the Light draws near, Light beings from the whole Galaxy hold their focus on our small planet:

A few hours after the activation, together with my team I have launched StratoProbe 1, an unmanned stratospheric aerial vehicle.
After the successful launch, the balloon was slowly gaining altitude and a few minutes after piercing the Veil it has taken this picture about 9 miles above the surface:

The elongated object that you see in the upper part of the picture is neither a lens reflection nor an airplane, but most likely a Pleiaidian craft which belongs to the network of Pleiadian lightships that was directing energies of the IS:IS portal from the universe towards the Veil boundary. This is how these lightships look like:


Pleiadian Portal Activation Report

"Pleiadian Portal activation was successful. Confederation motherships have positioned themselves inside the Oort cloud. Many of them (mostly from the Pleiadian fleet) are now already within our solar system to prepare for the final liberation of the planet.
The Resistance is now assuming a more active role inside the solar system. Beyond their main stronghold on planet X, they are building many active bases in outer solar system.
Pluto's moon Charon, which was once a military warehouse for the dark forces, is now one of the main military command centers of the Resistance for the final defeat of the Chimera group.
Many female members of the Resistance are living on some objects in outer solar system and using them as relay stations of the Goddess energy from the Galactic Central Sun towards planet Earth. 
The main relay station inside our solar system for the Goddess energy from the Galactic center is a centaur asteroid Chariklo. Many female members of the Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement are located there, meditating and channeling Goddess energy from the Galactic center and sending it towards Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Rings have been discovered around Chariklo just a few months ago:

Those rings serve as a stargate which relays Goddess energy into our solar system.
The main stronghold of female Lightwarriors of the Resistance Movement under wise leadership of a woman with a codename Ariel is on Eris, a small planetary body on the edge of the Solar system:
Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter's moons, is the location of the main communications hub for this solar system which includes teams from the Galactic Confederation, the Ashtar Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan fleet and also the Resistance Movement. 
Many new bases of the Light forces will be established in the inner solar system in the very near future, especially on asteroids, Mars and the Moon. 
On the surface of our planet, the energy of the Pleiadian portal was relayed through many individuals and groups that were meditating. The main anchor was our group in Switzerland, which was very dedicated and strong. "
" The incoming Goddess Love energy has been transmitted towards our planet through an object named 2012 VP113, which is a small planetoid beyond Pluto. It looks like a pink egg and acts as a prism to transmit cosmic Goddess Love energies into our Solar system:

This small planetoid body is a necessary bridge to prepare human consciousness for an official public announcement about the existence of planet X:
The cosmic Goddess Love energy has reached the surface of this planet as a clear ray, having its main anchor in a certain subterranean location on Ibiza, where connection with the Goddess energy is still active and maintained by people who have access to that location, after more than 1500 years of suppression. 
This incoming energy has triggered a massive purification of the etheric plane around the surface of the planet and clearing of one aspect of the remaining primary anomaly. 
It is interesting to note that Jesuits are beginning to be worried about the expansion of Goddess consciousness. After all, just before the creation of the Roman Christian mind programing cult by Constantin the Great in 325 CE, Isis worship was more popular than Christianity across the Roman empire and you need to understand that connection with Isis was not erased. It was just suppressed and now as the pressure is being lifted, that connection is coming back again. 
The Goddess wants Love among the people on this planet and Love it will be. "

" During this activation, something significant has happened that has never occurred in the last 25,000 years. A critical mass of 144,000 people from the Resistance Movement and the  Agartha Network have emerged from their underground realms briefly and did this activation on the surface exactly in the same way as we have been instructed. This has created a certain special resonance field which has channeled the energy pulse from the Shapley Attractor and stabilized the planetary etheric Light grid to the point that it will be able to handle and absorb the energetic shockwave at the time of the Event.
This is how you can contribute in your own way to keeping the etheric energy Light grid stable in the near future, leading towards the Event:
At the activation, conversion protocols of the Resistance Movement and the Agartha Network have been synchronized. The extent of the primary anomaly has been greatly decreased. The Breakthrough phase has been initialized.  
At the activation, a very special group from RM2m special task force has anchored the grid in Saqqara, less than 15 miles from the Giza plateau. In Saqqara, there are many entrances into the underground tunnels of the Agartha network:

From there, the main tunnel leads to Giza and from there the eastern branch goes to Tibet and the western branch to Peru via North America. 
I hope you are all aware that history of ancient Egypt goes far beyond known dynasties and that there was a highly advanced civilization in Egypt in late Atlantean period:
The critical mass of 144,000 Light forces from underground networks was enough to stabilize the energy grid but not enough to achieve a transformation of human consciousness as for that the critical mass of 144,000 needs to come from within humanity to have a desired resonance effect.
Few days before the activation, the Light forces have managed to remove vast proportions of the Chimera scalar plasma grid. This is a very significant achievement, since this is the very first time since the 1996 Archon invasion that any kind of victory over plasma scalar technologies on the surface of this planet has been achieved

We are no longer resisting the status quo, we are making push for the final victory. The Light forces have communicated that it is very important for everyone to start visualizing our lives after the Event as our visualization and intent speeds its manifestation. They have also communicated that it is time to start practicing unconditional forgiveness towards ourselves and others. There is no more time to dwell on the past, it is time to create the future and live in the Now. 
The Goddess energy, pure unconditional feminine aspect, is returning to the physical plane of the planet as never before. This is how the Goddess has painted the sky with beauty in Egypt and also some other locations around the world:


Various factions of the Cabal are beginning to realize that the end is near. Due to the increasing power of the Light forces, the Jesuits and the Rothschilds have been forced to sacrifice the Illuminazi faction to ensure their own survival. This is the reason they are throwing the Illuminazi under the bus in Rothschild-controlled mass media:

The Rothschilds and the Jesuits are planning to allow that to happen, present themselves to the masses as the good guys, manipulate the Eastern Alliance networks and their financial institutions from behind the scenes, hijack the financial reset and to remain the globalist controllers of humanity. Their plan will not be successful as the Light forces are aware of it and will never allow its fruition, as they have their own plans to counteract that, with mass arrests of the Rothschilds and the Jesuits at the Event. 
The Breakthrough is near! "
2015 :

" Free the Colonies activation was a big success. The critical mass of the surface population required for this activation was lower because we were dealing with an off-planet situation and it was reached easily. The most critical part of the Breakthrough operations for our Solar System was taking place between May 28th and June 2nd and is now complete.
The vast majority of Chimera bases and implant stations, including implant stations on Iapetus, Enceladus and Mimas, have now been removed. All hostages from those colonies have been set free. The only Chimera bases and implant stations in our Solar System now remaining are mostly located on selected asteroids (many of them Near Earth Objects - NEOs), and they are those directly controlling planet Earth and its population. They will be dealt with at a later stage of MOSS.

The main negative plasma meridian in our Solar System (the Saturn-Earth tunnel of Set) has been disintegrated.

Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory. Proposal to build a space colony at the Lagrange points is decades old:

This proposal was rejected by the vast majority of secret space program factions as these colonies would be too big and thus easily detectable from Earth. Chimera, on the other hand, had small but powerful implant stations positioned at various Lagrange points for the last 26,000 years. 

Intel about L1 and L3 implant stations is still classified.

The density of the plasma accretion vortex, originating from Earth and expanding throughout the Solar System, has been greatly reduced. The density of this primary anomaly plasma accretion vortex is practically negligible outside of the heliopause and does not extend into interstellar space anymore.

A new beautiful crop circle with encoded message about the successful completion of the operations has appeared on the day of the activation in Dorset, UK:

In a soft disclosure process, humanity is slowly being prepared for the reality of the space colonies, especially on Mars:

 Meditation for Europe was a great success. Masses of people have responded very quickly to the call and together we have managed to stabilize the energy in Europe to a great extent. It is interesting to note that response was the greatest in countries most affected with refugee crisis: Germany and Hungary. Although the source of the refugee crisis (the Cabal) has not been removed yet, our vigilance and rapid action can counteract the consequences of their actions to a great extent.
Also, there is a very simple technique to strengthen the Goddess vortex in Syria that the Archons are trying to suppress. Simply visualize this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria/Iraq region, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions. "
" Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangelet and toplet bombs has been removed. Since the meditation, there are intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera.
It is not a coincidence that many positive news have been released in a few short days after our meditation.

The Islamic State organization in Syria is almost destroyed:

Turkish downing of the Russian military plane has backfired and now Turkish connections to the Islamic State are being exposed:

The Jesuits are very well aware that the plans to start WW3 will not be successful and that Islamic State project is doomed to fail. This is why Jesuit-related cabalists are distancing themselves from that situation in order to save their own skin:

In a few short days after our meditation, several seemingly unrelated events have happened that will bring us much closer to disintegrating the Veil and towards Disclosure.

First, Blue Origin has successfully launched and landed a reusable rocket. This will drastically reduce the cost of space travel:

Second, NASA has found an indirect indication of Tunnels of Set surrounding the Earth:

Third, a Canadian team has developed a project of launching a crowdfunded satellite that will search for extraterrestrial craft:


 2017 :
 Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and one of the biggest victories of the Light. It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half.
At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.

This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below:


This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.
The rift in the auric energy field above Congo has been sealed. This has triggered a positive chain reaction in the energy grid around the planet, causing the etheric and plasma Archons to start losing control fast, liberating all other important energy vortexes around the planet. This will finally bring world peace because all wars have their occult reason in negative etheric and plasma entities engineering war and possessing war leaders:

The leadership of Daesh is now confused and in shock, suddenly feeling lost without strategic military guidance of negative entities that possessed them before: 

They are losing Mosul, the location of a very important Nineveh Goddess vortex.

The liberated Nineveh vortex has already yielded some important archeological discoveries:

They are also losing their remaining strongholds of the Syria pentagram.

They are losing Raqqa:

And Palmyra:

Although big victories have been achieved, the battle for planet Earth is not over yet and we need to keep pushing until the final liberation.

" Few hours before the meditation, there was this sign in the sky:

The very exact moment I wanted to post this meditation online last Friday, someone took a lot of effort to take whole Blogger offline:

It is interesting to note that the cyber attack to Veterans Today took that website down for 12 hours roughly at the same time. According to their sources, US Army Cyber Command at Ft. Huachaca was responsible, trail leading to General Mc Master. Apparently they do not wish THIS article to be published:

As Resistance has predicted, Tuesday was the point of maximum tension. The Archon families described here:

especially Orsini and Pallavicini, tried to activate Doom 33 endgame world destruction program through their Khazarian underdogs inside the Omega Grid to fulfill endgame prophecies:

This was swiftly prevented a few hours later when the Pleiadians have contacted some key people inside the Russian and Chinese military, which was made possible among other reasons also because of the energy support we made with our mediation to the energy grid around the planet. The Pleiadians had a short discussion with Putin, „telling him certain things he did not personally like“, but when they explained to him what is at stake, he understood, took the risk and chose to cooperate with the Light. "
" Our meditation was the turning point in the liberation process of our planet:

A few million people were informed about the meditation with more that a quarter million actually participating, so it was our strongest meditation ever.

The unity and the resonance we have achieved was remarkable and was a signal for the Central Race that the awakened part of the human population will be able to hold the Light in unity when the Event happens and that it is now time to put this planet through the Ascension process. This means that from now on, the energies from the Galactic Center will exponentially intensify until all darkness is purified and the planet is liberated.

During the meditation, the critical mass of the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet has been completed and from now on this grid is strong enough to handle the energies of the Event. From now on, the New Atlantis energy grid will be used by the Light forces to transmit mission activation codes in the form of revelatory dreams, impressions and visions to the awakened part of the human population."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hurricane Meditation Report

As you probably know, we were very successful in dissipating hurricane Irma, especially in the last phase of its journey through Florida:

It was expected that Irma will directly hit Tampa as a powerful category 3 or 4 hurricane with 130 mph winds:


Instead, weather station in Tampa recorded 19 mph winds at the moment of the closest approach of the storm:

Our success was easier because of high concentration of Lightworkers in Florida, two Tachyon chambers in Miami area and strong cintamani grids in Florida Keys, Miami and Tampa:


The Light forces were guiding the storm so that it created as little damage as possible, slaloming as far away as possible from Miami and Tampa with their strong cintamani grids:

 2018 :
" We had very little time to gather people for our Peace Meditation and the critical mass has not been reached, but the meditation still had a deep impact on the geopolitical situation in Syria, minimizing the effects of the military escalation on Friday April 13th ( a very important day on the Templar timeline), stabilizing the Syria goddess vortex and bringing more healing and peace to the region.

Deeper occult reasons for Syria conflict are explained here:

Now that this particular military escalation has failed, the Archon black nobility families / Knights of Malta / Jesuit forces behind Erik Price are trying to steer Trump into another military conflict in Syria:

It is interesting to note that most US troops in Syria are located in the northeastern corner of the country, which is the exact location of Hassuna-Samarra goddess vortex:

Situation in Syria is the battlefield of the last phase of the proxy war between Galactic Confederation / Pleiadian fleet supporting Putin and Assad, and Chimera / Draco forces supporting Erik Price and negative military factions in Saudi Arabia and US, with Donald Trump being caught in the middle:

This is as much as I can say now about the planetary situation on the surface of the planet. "
Time has come for a huge number of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups to be activated on the surface of this planet.

From now on, those groups will be supplementing the planetary Cintamani energy grid in transmitting the energies of Compression Breakthrough. They will also serve as vortex nodes to activate meetings of Soul Family members which will facilitate spiritual activation of the planetary Soul Family mandala.

Positive emotional connections between members of the planetary Soul Family mandala will speed up the process of the Compression Breakthrough.
Many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups have already been created and you can join them. Over 50 groups are already listed here:

" With our meditation we have reached about 70% of the critical mass. Although all goals of the meditation have not been achieved, our accomplishments have been substantial.

The process of our meditation was reflected in these Gaia Portal messages:

With our meditation, one aspect of the deadlock that holds Earth in quarantine status has been resolved. This has triggered a cascade of clearing sequences that will last for about a month. After that time, the situation will be evaluated and a new report given.
When Mjolnir has touched the surface of the planet on March 8th, the Pleiadian feet has begun with surface clearing operations. Surface clearing operations have proven to be far more difficult than expected because in vast majority of cases, the surface population is not following their spiritual guidance.

People are not following their inner guidance because they have been programmed with selfishness Archon mind program. This program gives people a distorted understanding of Nash equilibrium. People incorrectly assume that the will be better off if they only take care of themselves and exclude all others. This creates a highly entropic society that is extremely difficult to predict, because chaotic free wills of surface individuals pose a n-body problem:

Since March, the Light Forces have developed much more efficient strategies and protocols to deal with the surface population and these will be implemented as soon as the critical mass of toplet bombs is removed.

The main occult secret that the dark forces were trying to hide is that they always had a planet where they tried to accumulate the highest amount of suffering possible and that planet served as the central point of the accretion vortex for the primary anomaly of the whole universe. This planet of suffering was in the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation until 1996 Archon invasion, and then the maximum focus of suffering was transferred to Earth and since 1996, Earth is at the central point of the primary anomaly accretion vortex for the universe.

Earth-based dark forces tried to redirect the primary dark plasma flux from Orion to our solar system and especially to planet Earth with the Nazi concentration camps pentagram of evil during World War 2, with nuclear explosions after World War 2, with trauma-based mind programming in underground military bases since 1960s, with Draco infiltration into our Solar system through the Solar Warden secret space program front also since 1960s, and were finally successful when they opened a dark wormhole portal between Earth and Rigel in early 1996 after the Rwanda genocide of 1994.

Since then, primary dark plasma and dark anomaly flux is flowing towards the surface of the Earth. The energy of Al Nilam stargate and the White Fire of AN is the antidote to this flux. For this reason, our meditation was successful in finally beginning to address the root of all evil and started the process of removing it from the universe forever. 


Since our meditation, Galactic Command forces have started the next phase of the planetary liberation and now have a very strong presence in our Solar System that is relatively accurately described here:

Galactic Command forces in our Solar System are comprised of:

1.Jupiter Command, located in the outer Solar System beyond the asteroid belt with the primary purpose of processing all negative entities that get cleared from the Earth quarantine through the Ganymede sorting facility towards the Galactic Central Sun.

2. Ashtar Command, located in the inner Solar System with the primary purpose of liberating planet Earth.

3. Atlantis Command, about which nothing can be said.


Many years ago, Ashtar Command has given quite accurate guidance for the Ascension process through a channel named Eric Klein. Here are the recordings of those channeling sessions that were given to us trough a contact inside the Brotherhood of the Star:

 2019 :

Bubbles of Heaven

Return of Light meditation was a huge success. Between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation, and between 300,000 and 400,000 were actually participating, so the critical mass was achieved many times over:

The energy wave from the Cosmic Central Sun has reached the surface of the planet and that energy was anchored irreversibly.

This has changed the structure of the primary anomaly around the planetary surface significantly, and we have entered the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the so-called nucleation phase:

Nucleation phase is a very important phase of a phase transition between two dynamic systems, and we have entered this phase of the planetary and cosmic liberation process just today:

From now on, Bubbles of Heaven have begun to form inside quarantine Earth, as a result of direct intervention from the Cosmic Central Sun. This was only possible because our collective consciousness during our meditation acted as a lens to gather the light of the Cosmic Central Sun on the surface of the planet. Future civilizations will most likely see this as the defining moment in the evolution of consciousness of this planet:

Bubbles of Heaven are areas of pure Light that exist independently from all matter that was created inside 11th dimensional brane world space time continuum. This practically means that there are small areas within the physical and non-physical matter on the surface of the planet that are beyond the reach of the Dark forces. This is the true meaning of the Return of Light.

This also practically means that from now on it will be much easier to create and reach Light in your life. It means we have exited the Resistance phase, where we were fighting with the Cabal, into the Breakthrough phase, where we are simply creating our New Reality, while we calmly observe the old world collapsing under the weight of its own entropy, without being sucked into its drama, yet still shining Light on all situations.

Bubbles of Heaven (shown red in the simulation below) will grow within quarantine Earth hell (shown white in the simulation below) until the Breakthrough (the Event) occurs:

Now it is time to release certain intel that might be shocking to some, but deep inside you already knew it.

At a certain point after the Event, there will be a physical polar shift of the Earth rotational axis, which will be triggered by our Sun becoming a micronova / T-Tauri star, being triggered by the activity of the Cosmic Central Sun and the Galactic Central Sun:

The triggered Sun will then emit a huge plasma wave that will create the crustal displacement, rotational axis will shift and create a tsunami wave about 1 mile high:

This mile high tsunami wave will effectively purge from the surface of the planet all impurities that still need to be purged. Needless to say, all Islands of Light and all Areas of Light will be completely unafftected by the tsunami wave, as they will be protected with advanced technologies given to us by positive races after the Event.

As all this will only happen a few years after the Event, there is nothing to fear.

Similar solar plasma event, but smaller in magnificence and without the physical axis shift, has happened one half of the precessional cycle, or 12,900 years ago:

The Cabal is understandably nervous, as they know they have nowhere to hide, and this is why they have developed various secret space programs, in vain hopes that they will escape this.

They have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift.


The coming polar shift is one of their main secrets they are trying to hide. But the truth is coming out, and the magnetic flip which is a precursor to the physical axis shift, is already happening:

The second secret that the Cabal is trying to hide is that interactions between female and male polarity create a toroidal electromagnetic field that triggers kundalini energy which leads to planetary liberation.

As the Jesuit plan to suppress human sexuality has failed, they have devised a new plan. They want to de-polarize and confuse female and male sexual identity by promoting gender confusion:

By emasculating men:

And by de-feminizing women.

To de-feminize and sexually disempower women, the Jesuits have also organized media campaigns in the last few decades to promote shaving of armpits and pubic hair for women:

Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.

They also enforced toxic hygiene products that create hormonal disbalance in women:

Pure, undistorted active electric masculine energies and pure undistorted reflective magnetic feminine energies are necessary for planetary liberation.

Pure electric active masculine energy is the essence of the Hammer of Thor.

Pure magnetic receptive feminine energies create a resonance field that is the Contact Dish for the Event.

Together they create the Holy Grail.

Together they create the Soul Family mandala:

It is time now for the most awakened members of the surface population to start forming Soul Family connections, based from Soul perspective. This process has already started. More instructions about this will be given soon.

Soul Family mandalas will begin living in Islands of Light. The process of creation of Islands of light has already started, and there are projects already underway in Asia, Europe, Africa and America. More instructions about this will be given soon.


Soul Family mandalas and Islands of Light are Bubbles of Heaven that are created within, but parallel to the hell of the current surface conditions. They manifest when enough Light is present.They are the seeds of the future Breakaway civilization on the surface of the planet. The time is now.

I have been personally guided to start creating my own Soul Family mandala. This process has been accelerated since January 1st, 2019, under the guidance of the Pleiadian star fleet commander Semjase, who is actually one of the Soulmates that belongs to my Soul Family mandala:


The Pleiadian fleet is preparing my female Soulmates and female members of my Soul Family on the surface of the planet for this project, by sending them strong revelatory dreams, visions and synchronicities that will prepare them for contact with me. These strong spiritual experiences have started for them already since the release of Contact Dish protocols in March 2018, but have intensified since the start of 2019.

We will be creating a Bubble of Heaven, anchoring true Goddess mysteries and will go through accelerated Ascension process.

If they feel guided to contact me, they need to create a tutanota email address:

And contact me ONLY from that tutanota email address, to the following email address:

For the general surface population, all intel from my blog has been nicely gathered in a book that has been released in hardcover and electronic format. This book will be crucial at the time of the Event, as there might then be disruptions in the electronic systems and internet might be unavailable for a certain short, but key period of time around the Event. The this book will become very handy.

You can order the book here:

And for the end of Return of Light meditation the flash of the moment...all that is Done will be Undone:

Victory of the Light!  "

" Our Silver Trigger activation has reached about 80% of the critical mass. Although we have not reached our goal, our achievement was significant, as it will still ease the planetary path towards the financial Reset.

Tens of thousands of Lightworkers were buying silver and this will become the seed for the manifestation of their future abundance, as I will describe in one of the coming blog posts in detail.

In early morning hours in Europe, shortly after midnight on November 11th, a certain “family” has bought over 100 tonnes of silver for immediate delivery, on Sydney exchange. This has skyrocketed the silver price, as it can be seen on the following screenshot from Kitco website, one of the main referral sites for the price of silver:


Silver price rose almost 40% in matter of minutes, before it was artificially suppressed about one hour later.

The strange bump in silver price was erased from Kitco website about 12 hours later and the silver price curve smoothed out:

The “family” has communicated that they will equally share all that silver among all those who have participated in the Silver Trigger, at the time of the Financial Reset and the Event. I can neither confirm or disprove those claims.

Since we have not reached the critical mass, the Light Forces can still not intervene directly in the financial system in the ways we have hoped, but one immediate effect of our activation is a massive release of intel about the coming financial crash in mainstream media on November 11th:

The Black Nobility families and the Jesuits have been encouraging the debt bubble to expand and are carefully steering the global economy towards a systemic crash. They are doing this to consolidate their power and to introduce a global and centralized digital financial system that will have total control over people's finances:

You need to understand that the global central banking policy is dictated from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and not from the Fed, and Torlonia Black Nobility family is controlling the BIS:

Their plan for the new, green crypto based financial system is well described here:

Their way of crashing the old financial system is described here:

JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank are the two most likely triggers to start the crash.

Few days ago, this article about Deutshe Bank was published:

It was reposted on the same day on Zerohedge and it sent Deutsche Bank into panic mode to the extent that they issued a public rebuttal on Twitter that was later deleted:

The dark forces are NOT the original planners of the crash, they are merely adapting their plans to hijack it:


The actual underlying reason for the systemic crash is wealth inequality and explosion of debt that has reached the point where the society becomes unsustainable. In terms of physics, the amount of energy the dark forces need to control the society grows exponentially to the point where they can not control anything any longer, and their system collapses:

When this happens, dark forces will try to orchestrate the crash, and the Light forces (Resistance Movement and Galactic Confederation) will use their advanced quantum computers to hack the global banking computer which are located at JP Morgan headquarters in New York. 


The new financial system will be introduced:

It will be a gold backed quantum financial system:

Based on productivity, culture and skill:

When this is expected to happen I am not at liberty to say, but behind the scenes in many circles, the talk about “2020 crash” is the most important conversation topic:

To summarize the Plan:

Victory of the Light! "


Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:

This was just enough to push us over the energy threshold into the next phase of the Compression Breakthrough, the bubble rising subphase of the nucleation phase (number III in the diagram):

This subphase will see an exponential growth of Bubbles of Heaven within quarantine Earth. Bubbles of Heaven are pure luminous undistorted space time continuum anomaly-free emanations of the Source into 11th dimensional brane world space time continuum.

This practically means that there will be more and more Light present on the surface of the planet, this Light will grow exponentially faster and faster until it explodes into the Compression Breakthrough. We have now officially entered into the last phase before the Event.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all plasma toplet bomb layers, except the last one, were removed.

All Chimera that were living in physical spider bodes in underground bases have been successfully removed.

There is still a small group of plasma Chimera spiders and they are in the last stage of removal.

The physical Chimera group is very small, yet still quite strong although it has suffered a significant loss of power in the days around Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

There is a small main Chimera group still present in DARPA and the previous director of DARPA Steven Walker has just resigned, effectively on January 10th, the day of the Lunar eclipse just preceding our activation:

Steven Walker was instrumental in development of ZION control matrix network:

This DARPA Chimera group extends some of its influence into this place:

Which has just announced a very troubling progress in development of quantum network technologies:

There is a second even smaller Chimera group present in the US Space Command and it is interesting to note that the new chief of US Space Command took his position just two days after our activation:

The purpose of US Space Command is not disclosure, as some erroneously believe, it was created as a Chimera defense force against Galactic Confederation which is taking over sublunar space and now also Near Earth orbital space:

As the Galactic Confederation fleet approaches closer to the surface as weeks and months go by, there will be more and more contact established. Therefore it is very relieving to see that more and more people understand that Prime Directive (non-intervention principle) is a lie and a construct of Archon mind programming:

Another sign that we are close to the breakthrough is the dimming of Betelgeuse:

Betelgeuse is a star in Orion constellation and its dimming is a sign of the end of duality, as triangulation of Orion is nearing its completion.

Betelgeuse is expected to become a supernova within the next 100,000 years and its current dimming is a sign that it may already be entering the supernova phase.

A gravitational wave in the region of Betelgeuse, a first potential sign of supernova explosion, has been detected just two days after our activation:

If you have a chance to go outside on a clear starry night, you will see that Orion does not look familiar, as the upper left star is much fainter than it usually was. This is Betelgeuse.

The light curve of Betelgeuse is regularly updated here:

The energies around Age of Aquarius activation were so strong that one aspect of planetary kundalini was activated and many volcanoes worldwide were releasing ash into the atmosphere to release the pent up pressure:

Tael volcano in Philippines actually erupted DURING the activation itself, the eruption starting 7 minutes before the scheduled beginning of mediation:

The level 2 alert was issued 19 minutes after the start of our meditation, just in the moment when most people were concluding the suggested 20 minutes of meditation:

The alert level was raised to level 4 one hour and half later, and right now it still stays there.

This release of volcanic activity is actually a good thing, as it dissipates a lot of pressure that was held in the planetary energy grid and thus prevents potential more deadly earthquakes ad cataclysmic events.

To answer the question many people are asking, the deeper story behind the assassination of Soleimani is regime change in Iran in order to preserve the petrodollar system:

Iran owns the second printing press for US dollars, and US Treasury and the Fed hate competition when they create money out of thin air:

Gradual meltdown of the financial system is not an option anymore, when the crash happens it will be sudden and brutal.

Now the whole financial system got addicted to easy Fed liquidity injections and if the Fed would stop financing repo operations, the system would crash immediately:

Sources are stating that behind the scenes, the Fed is also assisting with liquidity to keep European and Chinese banks and financial institutions afloat, to prevent the collapse:

Extremely strong cosmic energies now entering quarantine Earth will finally begin to remove trillions upon trillions of Reptilian entities that still exist on plasma and etheric planes as the last remnant of 1996 invasion. Many of those entities are entering broken human auras and are strongly influencing human behavior.

The vast majority of those entities will be removed in coming weeks and months, which will be a big relief for humanity.

Some of those entities were and still are controlling people who infiltrated my teams. A very precise and efficient protocol was activated by the Resistance last summer to remove compromised people from my network and this process is now mainly complete.

A new and much purer infrastructure is hereby being activated and is now ready to assist in our mission to bring in the Age of Aquarius.

The new official Cobra facebook page, named Age of Aquarius, is here:

The previous Cobra facebook group (Cobra Etheric Liberation), recently hijacked and currently renamed to “Working together for Gaia's – etheric - and physical – liberation now”, has no connection with Resistance Movement whatsoever and if you have ever joined that group in hope of contributing to our mission, now it is a good time to leave if you feel so guided.

Our official Youtube channel is here:

This Youtube channel will post main videos for potential future meditations / activations.

I am also in constant communication with the creators of this amazing website, which is constantly posting updated mass meditations that are needed in ever changing planetary situation:

The official Sisterhood of the Rose page is here:

Prepare For Change is a global organization that was created at Cobra conference in Laguna Beach in 2013 with the purpose of preparing the surface population for the coming changes. Their official website is here:

They have asked me to tell that a fake, imposter site, named “Prepare For Change Leadership” has nothing to do with the real Prepare For Change organization.

It is interesting to note that similar things that were happening to me behind the scenes were also happening to Corey Goode and David Wilcock, as you can hear in their interviews:

Needless to say, the following weeks and months will be very exciting and definitely not boring, as we delve deeper into the energies of the coming Age of Aquarius.

The Blue Dawn, the dawn of the new era, is here.

And for the end of Age of Aquarius activation report...when the Blue the flash of the moment...all that is Done will be Undone:

Victory of the Light!

Our mass meditation was a huge, enormous success. About 8 million people were informed, with over 1.1 million actually participating.

Collective display of unity was amazing:

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, has given a nod to our meditation at the exact moment when the meditation started:

We have literally saturated the planetary quantum field with our focused, unified intent, influencing the geomagnetic field:

Our meditation has proven that if enough focused intent is present and if a vision is strong enough, the awakened part of the surface population in able to act in unity. This means that when the Event happens, many of the surface Lightworks and Lightwarriors may be included in certain operations of the Light Forces which were before considered off limits. The Light Forces will give direct instructions for this when the time is right.

Our meditation has been able to curb the spread of the virus. The number of new infections worldwide has peaked on April 4th just before the meditation, and is in decline ever since:

We were also able to additionally stabilize the positive Ascension timeline which will stop New World Order plans for mass depopulation in its tracks.

Their plan has three phases: a) release the virus, b) crash the economy, c) depopulate.

Third phase will never happen so we do not need to go into details, second phase will have limited effects and we will now look more into the details of the first phase of their plan.

This plan was finalized by Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and others on a meeting in Manhattan in 2009:

Actual creation of the virus was an international cooperation of labs in USA, Canada and China, with final phases of the virus creation being done in Wuhan:

Wuhan biolab connection is something China wants to suppress:

And something Trump administration wants to investigate:

And some lawsuits are already being filed:

According to sources, the actual creation of the virus involved teams under supervision of Bill Gates. Frank Plummer, a former director of Canadian biolab which was involved in the creation of the virus, was directly involved in the creation of the virus himself, was a MK-Ultra controlled victim of the Cabal, was developing the virus against his will and was killed by the Cabal before he could talk too much:

According to sources, Anthony Fauci was involved in the creation of the virus as well:

While the Pleiadians were able to contain the Chinese strain of the virus , the Cabal agents have injected three different strains of the virus in South Korea, Iran and Italy. Korean and Iranian strains were contained, but the Italian one was not and is now responsble for vast majority of infections worldwide.

Here it is interesting to note that not even one of about 60 members of my Lightworkers team in Wuhan got infected. They were using Command RCV Stardust protocol daily.

The Cabal has ordered the EU countries to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe, and later with direct flights from Milan to New York also to the United States. The Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions:

This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns:

Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population:

Bill Gates had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein:

Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also:

All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine:

And manipulating the data about the virus:

There is strong opposition to their plans, and Robert Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy White Nobility bloodline, was threatened indirectly by two of his relatives being killed to make him stop his anti-vaccine work:

Instead, RFK Jr. is fighting back, exposing Gates:

The following petition is also going viral, and you can sign if you feel so guided:

And now, Bill Gates Cabal faction is already losing:

With more reliable medical information and evidence about the coronavirus being released:

Together with some alternative perspectives on the virus:

It appears that we are far closer to herd immunity than we thought, and the pandemic may be soon over for good:

Sweden, which did not impose lockdowns, is going through the pandemic fairly well:

Regarding the second phase of the Cabal's plans (crashing the economy), there are already talks in the mainstream about a debt jubilee:

And mass distribution of wealth by the Fed:

Which would not be so difficult to do, if we disregard the consequent hyperinflation, as the Fed could easily print the money:

Current coronavirus situation is turning more and more into a global initiation into the next level of evolution in the planetary Ascension process:

With Pleiadians being more and more involved.

This video of Pleiadian motherships was recorded on March 26th:

It shows a small fleet of Pleiadian motherships, each about 7 miles long, that came from the far side of the Moon and then across Endymion crater in a Low Lunar Orbit (LLO) about 30 miles above lunar surface, casting shadows on lunar terrain.

Those motherships look like this:


Main Pleiadian fleet was able to use the Pleiades-Venus conjunction portal on April 4th and now they are positioned in inner Solar System, fully ready and operational, ready to assist in the planetary liberation:


They are also developing a more advanced version of stardust technology which will make the virus less lethal and dangerous. There are already reports from credible medical sources that the virus has mutated in a less dangerous strain.


I am not at liberty to release any intel about current planetary liberation operations, the only thing I can say is when the mass arrests really do happen, news about them will be released through the mainstream media.

The war is not over yet, and we need to keep holding the Light.
Our Age of Aquarius meditation was a huge success, as we have more than reached the critical mass by about 250,000 people participating.

This has further stabilized the Age of Aquarius positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.

What is remaining are ships of the Draco fleet that are hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. These spaceships are being cleared by advanced quantum cannon weapons of the Galactic Confederation that are codenamed Mjolnir (Hammer of Thor):

The first attempt to clear the Draco fleet happened in late 2017 and early 2018 but had to be aborted due to the collapse of the Alpha timeline. Now, as a result of our successful Age of Aquarius activation, Operation Mjolnir has been reactivated again and is currently proceeding smoothly according to the plan, and Draco fleet is being cleared with full speed.

The Light Forces have communicated that in the last phase of Draco fleet clearing, there is about 10% probability that the Cabal will try to stage a fake alien invasion with TR-3B craft and about 5% probability that Draco will try to stage a real invasion with the remaining Draco ships emerging from quantum superposition state into the physical and attacking the surface population:

In both scenarios, the dark force fleets will be defeated very quickly by the Galactic Confederation, but with small but non-negligible collateral damage among the surface population. Both the Light and the dark are trying to avoid those two scenarios, the Light because it would bring unnecessary suffering to the surface population, and the dark because open combat with Confederation fleet would bring swift and absolute defeat of all dark factions.

Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the quantum primary anomaly that is preventing physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet. Clearing of the quantum primary anomaly is occurring through induced false vacuum decay:

Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”

Immediately after our activation there were signs in the sky around the world:

The positive timeline is already manifesting on the physical with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell:

As a result of this, the concept of mass arrests is reaching mainstream media for the first time ever:

And could also lead to the arrest of Bill Gates:

Prince Andrew is already nervous:

But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:

Next few months until November / December will see the peak of timeline war between the new positive Age of Aquarius timeline and the old Cabal dominated negative timeline. Without our mass meditation, the negative timeline would be much more pronounced, but we have managed to prevent many negative scenarios.

There will be many attempts to divide the surface population and to induce violence:

One of the Jesuit plans is to create the breakup of the United States (similar to what happened to USSR and Yugoslavia) by escalating the left-right polarization at the time of November elections.

This is why they are planning to introduce Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate to ensure maximal polarization:

The second main Jesuit plan is to trigger a Chinese EMP attack on USA that would escalate into a new world war:

One aspect of this plan is that China would use their advanced craft that are similar to TR-3B and stage a fake alien invasion from their main Secret Space Program military base at Dingxin:

TR-3B-like craft would also emerge from China's underground Great Wall:

And from its Iranian counterpart:

The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%.

In the next few months, there might be mass meditations issued to mitigate any of those scenarios if that will be needed.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:

What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.

What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact for further instructions.

The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:

Also, the Light Forces have suggested the use of Dragon developed advanced laser technologies that can help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in those challenging times:

Although the next few months will be very volatile, we need to keep our focus on manifesting the Age of Aquarius.

Our activation was a huge success, we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.

The meditation sent a strong flash of energy into the planetary energy grid, with tectonic plates reacting and volcanoes erupting:

Exactly at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. The pulse lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but it was strong enough to instantly remove about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface.


Many people meditating have felt this pulse, and it has brought instantaneous emotional and spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing to some people. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place.

From then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this planet is taking place.

The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed. They have also begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity, and you can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:

And here:



The Light Forces are also continuing with the removal of the Chimera and this goes quite well in full alignment with their plan. They have already managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases which are located more than 8 miles deep, just above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between Earth crust and mantle:

Also, over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.

There is another pair of physical spider king and spider queen still remaining. They came from Rigel star system in 1996 and are since then situated in a Chimera underground base below Congo. The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth and the occult force behind coronavirus lockdowns (quarantine phase 2), whereas the female spider is the main occult force inhibiting Soul contact and unconditional love. They will both be removed soon.

In September 2019, I have warned about Jesuit plans for their version of the financial Reset which they have scheduled for January 2020:

The Jesuits are well versed in astrology, and they knew for a long time that Saturn Pluto conjunction in January 2020 was the greatest opportunity to trigger their plans, and this is when they triggered first public announcements about the coronavirus. Let us explore what is behind their plans.

After the formation of BRICS / Eastern positive alliances in 2014 and 2015, the Jesuits have shifted their main base to China and moved many Cabal agents there. Those agents took many positions within the Chinese government in the 2015-2019 timeframe, and immediately started the project of infiltrating the West:

Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation:

What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.

Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:

To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:

Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:



Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:

Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:

Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:

Meanwhile, positive Dragon forces are working silently behind the scenes. Most of their plans can not be made public yet, the only thing I can say is they are supporting Chinese civilian space exploration, trying to make it accessible to international community in preparations for Disclosure:

As scientists are researching radio signals from Proxima Centauri:

Ding Yu, a Chinese pop singer, who was appointed as space music promotion ambassador by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Communication center in June, was singing a song named The Age of Aquarius on Chinese national TV on December 19th, promoting our meditation:

My team has arranged a full translation of the famous Haim Eshed exopolitical interview from Hebrew into English. Although intel in that interview is not 100% correct, the interview itself will be interesting for many:

Positive factions have managed to infiltrate the Space Force, removing some of the Chimera agents from there. At some point in the future, the Space Force may play a role in the First Contact between humanity and the Ashtar Command:

An updated version of The Portal book with the posts from this blog is available here:

And a book about Tachyon chambers here:



The best is yet to come:

2021 :

Divine Intervention Report :

Our activation was a big success, with over 250,000 people participating in the meditation on December 21st and over 190,000 people signing the petition.

This is far more than the Guinness world record claimed by Deepak Chopra:

And is one of our most successful meditations up to date:

Pleiadians were very much present during the activation on December 21st and many people felt wonderful energies:



The process of signing the petition was much more tumultuous. The Cabal has interfered with the signing process on the first petition website a few times and finally deleted the petition page, so we had to migrate to the second petition site.

As soon as the first petition site was deleted, the Pleiadian High Command contacted top brass in the Russian and US military, telling them that a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles has been violated, because people's ability to state their free will about the extraterrestrial contact was severely obstructed. The Pleiaidian High Command has then revealed one part of their intervention plans to the top brass in the Russian / US positive military factions. This has triggered strong reactions within the military, as the Russians felt that First Contact goes against the territorial sovereignty of the Russian state, and many within the US top brass felt this intervention goes against their religious beliefs. This has led to the following development:

The signing process continued on the second website, and a critical mass of 144,000 signatures was reached on December 11th.

The very next day, many cloudships appeared across Japan:

After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established.

They will start contacting first the individuals who are participating in the Contact Dish project:

Since Galactic Law overrides local laws, this contact will be established regardless of the local laws in the countries where people will be contacted. The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power. They do not wish to say when the contact sequence will start, but when it starts, it will start suddenly without warning.


People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases.

As soon as this contact happens, and even before, it will trigger strong emotional reactions among the surface population. Remain calm then, and use common sense.

The critical mass reached for our meditation on December 21st has started the planetary grid reversal process. This practically means that now the Light Forces are reverting the energy fields around the planetary surface from the inverted negative energy grid, created during the Archon invasion in 1996, back into the Light grid. This means a full offensive of the Light forces on the non-physical planes around the Earth surface, removing entities, dark technologies, anomaly, everything at once:

It is now a full scale war there, and Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are seriously attacked, but this is the final battle which has now reached the surface of the planet, at least on the non-physical planes, and it will lead into full liberation.

Planetary grid reversal process will clear all anomaly that made dark forces and evil possible and eradicate the cause of evil and darkness from this Universe forever."





 May 13, 2023 

Portal of Light Activation Report

Our activation was a massive success, almost 1 million people were informed about the activation and about 160,000 people actually participated.

The energy pulse at the moment of the activation was very strong yet gentle, sending the purest energies of cosmic Love from the M87 galaxy to the surface of this planet. The pulse has corrected the planetary timeline, decreasing the probability for conventional world war from 33% to 27% and the probability for hard financial crash from 37% to 32%:

M87 galaxy was brought into the awareness of the surface population just a few days before the activation:

The energy pulse has brought a lot of beautiful energies into the planetary quarantine, and these energies have manifested some beautiful vistas in the days after the activation:


In the days after the activation, COVID pandemic was finally deplatformed:

In the weeks before the activation and the weeks after it, the Light forces have managed to clear many exotic weapons of the dark forces, and the positive timeline is now much more stable than ever before.

First, by utilizing Mjolinr technology, the Light forces have evaporated all physical and non-physical black holes around the surface of the planet, including all black holes in the auric fields and all black holes inside implants of the surface population. This has collapsed all Tunnels of Set and the dark grid around the planet is no longer an inverted grid, but only a distorted grid. Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist:

Second, the Light forces have destroyed all remaining toplet bombs. This is a huge victory, since topet bombs represented major danger to the planet and a huge barrier against the planetary liberation.

In the past, I was quite optimistic and naive by believing that as soon as the toplet bombs are removed, the Event will happen. The reality is much more complex. The surface population is much more programmed than previously believed, and much more of the etheric matrix and subquantum anomaly must be removed to safely guide the surface population through the Event process without key persons freaking out, because basic food and energy distribution chains must remain largely intact at the moment of the Event.

The good news is that removing all remaining obstacles will be much easier, relatively faster and much less risky than removing the toplet bombs.

The Light forces have also manged to completely clear the higher mental plane from all dark entitites, and they have broken the control the dark forces had over the lower mental and the astral plane. Almost all Invisibles have been removed. The few remaining dark entities on the astral plane are disorganized, in flight, and are no longer part of the dark network. All Lords of Karma (Lords of Trauma) that have not been captured and taken to the Galactic central Sun have escaped from higher planes to the etheric and physical planes, where they still hold control.

Causal bodies of humanity are recovering from the shock of 1996 and are healing nicely.

The implants on the mental and astral planes have mainly decomposed, only the etheric implants and physical biochips remaining.

The main problem remains the etheric matrix / etheric archon grid, controlled by the Chimera Lords of Karma, from where they still control the reincarnation cycle:

And the physical black nobility grid, controlled by Chimera from the DARPA pit:

With their electromagnetic, ultrasound and infrasound fence:

And their mind control:

Subquantum anomaly on the physical and etheric planes around the surface of the planet is also still quite much of a problem, although this is being addressed.

The Portal of Light has removed most of the dark scenarios, with only two (global conventional war and hard financial crash with CBDCs implementation) still remaining.

For this reason, the Cabal is pushing for CBDCs hard:

But the surface population has great ideas how to resist:

When the cracks of Light will begin to appear in the etheric matrix, the age of average will begin to be a thing of the past:

The elimination of reason will stop:

The amnesia will be reversed:

And we will start escaping the madhouse:

As the trauma-based mind programming starts to fall apart:

Some people might feel that our activation did not reach their high expectations, but the following article can put things into perspective:

Our Ascension conference in Taiwan was very successful, as it was the energetic trigger that again activated the Dragon families.

It might not be a coincidence that during the conference activities, a meeting between Macron and Xi was taking place in Guangzhou:

This highly symbolic meeting was orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Red and the Blue, and it has effectively decreased the probability for a global conventional war from 38% to 33%: 

The Guqin melody, High mountains and flowing water, sealed the friendship pact between Macron and Xi, and this has effectively started the depolarization and pacification process between the West and the East:

But the story has another, more sinister layer.

The guqin on which the melody was played, was crafted in the year 756, during the height of the Tang dynasty:

It is not a coincidence that this was the exact year of the Donation of Pepin:

In which the secular ruler (now Macron, a Rothschild puppet) ceded territories to the Pope (now Xi, a Jesuit minion).

Another, more positive aspect to the story is that Guangzhou is the most powerful Goddess vortex in China.

During the time of the conference, the Blue Dragons have begun the process of reactivating the Agartha portals around the Himalayas:

and grotto heavens in Taiwan and mainland China:



The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:

The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:

Victory of the Light!



